Battle of Leuctra: The Fall of Sparta | Why the Battle of Leuctra Is One of History's Most Significant Battles

371 BC and the time for talk is over. Two Greek city-states, bound in their hatred for one another, prepare to settle their dispute with spear and shield.

On the plain of Leuctra, thousands of Theban-lead Boeotian soldiers stand ready. Their leader, none other than the virtuous Epaminondas – a man who’s tactical innovations would completely revolutionise the Greek art of war. Now this force aimed to topple the dominant military power of its time: Sparta.

The odds appeared firmly stacked against the Thebans – their army outnumbered and against a Spartan-lead force confident of victory. Nevertheless, the result of this encounter would decide the future of these respective cities: A future of supremacy or subjugation.

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